First, sealed concrete lasts longer. The concrete sealer keeps chemicals and water from penetrating the surface. Ecoshield, have developed a top of the line silica based sealer and hardener which reduces dirt penetration, and will not degrade when exposed to the sun’s UV rays.

Most importantly, some sealers are designed to seal and harden concrete floors. Enhancing your concrete floors with a tough surface layer that protects against staining, eroding and dusting. A sealer that withstands extreme Australian weather conditions by maintaining great gloss retention, low water sensitivity and reduced water vapour permeability. It will also help to prevent the growth of mould and mildew..” A sealed concrete surface is much nicer in appearance, which speaks well of your business or home. Sealed concrete retains its professional appearance longer than unsealed concrete. If you’ve ever tried to park in a location where the pavement striping is almost completely faded away or there are holes in the parking surface, you know what we mean. As a property owner who cares about the impression you make to your visitors and the community, you want to ensure that your concrete is sealed on a regular basis.
Sealed concrete resists staining. Without proper sealing, stains can permanently mark the surface of your concrete. Therefore, making it look old before it’s time. As an added bonus, sealed concrete is much easier to clean than a non-sealed surface. As a result, saving you time and money.
If your concrete surfaces haven’t been given their proper attention in awhile, start with a thorough sweep and pressure wash. After pressure washing, preserve your facilities by sealing your concrete.
Our Eco Seal, Eco Seal Natural and Eco Seal Premium products are also fantastic in the process of Concrete Polishing.
Contact us for more information about our concrete sealing products